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Maryland FEWture

Infusing FEW nexus know-how into the mid-Atlantic's high-population built environments

Maryland FEWture Team Leaders: Dr. Rachel Rosenberg Goldstein; Dr. Shirley Micallef

The state of Maryland contains a variety of distinct ecosystems, from the Chesapeake Bay watershed to the Appalachian mountains. Its highly populated I-95 corridor has extensive urban and suburban development, and serves the needs of the state's agricultural industry. 

The Maryland FEWture group integrates community-driven research, outreach, experiential education, and capacity building at the food, energy, water, climate, health nexus. 

The Maryland FEWture subgroup has these research-to-action project priorities: 


Speaker: Jen Cotting, Director
Environmental Finance Center, University of Maryland
Topic: Advancing Sustainability at the Community Level
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