Experiential Education
Hands-on field experience, advanced lab techniques, and global exchange to train FEW nexus innovators
Education Team Leaders: Suhana Chattopahdyay; Rianna Murray
Our Education FEWture team translates the knowledge generated through our collaborations, research, and international project work into fresh experiential educational and outreach programs.
We work internationally with four universities: University of Maryland (USA), Hebrew University (Israel), Kathmandu University (Nepal), and Mbeya University of Science and Technology (Tanzania). We teach, train, and inspire a new generation of change-makers at the FEW+climate-health nexus.
Our education initiatives include:

Graduate Program
Undergraduate Program
FEW systems Global Certificate Program
MOOC through Coursera
Mbeya University Student Internship
Agriculture Internship in Dodoma
Hebrew University Agricultural Fellowship in Tanzania
Hebrew University Fellowship
GFA co-PIs' study: A curricular model to train doctoral students in interdisciplinary research at the food-energy-water nexus
Frontiers in EducationDaily Updates: UMD Global STEWARDS Grads in Tanzania January 2025
Winter Amp - Tanzania