Tomer Malchi
Tomer Malchi
Tomer Malchi is the co-founder and the Executive Director of CultivAid. He holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University, where he also completed a bachelor's and master's degree. Tomer also holds a degree in industrial labor relations from Cornell University.
Tomer was born in Israel and grew up near New York City. Since the age of 18, Tomer has been involved in a spectrum of volunteer, activism and development work ranging from community organizing to workplace organizing to environmental activism and international development.
Tomer's perspective and motivation is based on developing pragmatic approaches for global impact, leadership development, and a personal connection. He stresses personal responsibility, market development, and infrastructural development as key instruments of improving social conditions and economies. There is no magic bullet to solve the world’s problems, but through diligence, data driven solutions, and collaborations we can solve the challenges in front of us.
Research Interests: Practical Agricutlural in developing countries; technology adaptation; training agronomists
Areas of Expertise: Horticulture; water treatment; project management