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Objective 3: Community-Driven Capacity Building

Building resilience, resourcefulness, and independence in our collaborative communities 

Our integrative model seeks solutions that make the communities we work with stronger, more cohesive, better resourced, and eventually more independent and self-determining. Our core interest is to support long-term improvements in communities' capacity to provide ample and healthy food, energy, and water amid a changing climate.  

The Global FEWture Alliance leverages the partnerships and knowledge gained from Objectives 1 and 2 to foster this community-driven capacity building. This work develops networks of professionals who understand FEW nexus solutions and can enhance agency and resilience among local stakeholders, including leaders, resource managers, field workers, and citizens.

For example, our work with CultivAid in Tanzania includes developing solar-powered groundwater pumps on water towers for irrigation that can be deployed by local farmers during the dry season. This technological solution builds the capacity of local farmers to grow food without rain, support the nutrition of their families and community, and make a profit by selling produce in local markets. It also makes the community more resilient as rains become less reliable amid climate shifts.

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